Friday, 22 November 2013

It's Electrifyin' | Outfit Post

Blue Laser Cut out Top - Primark | Disco Pants - New Look 
Necklace - Dorothy Perkins | Boots - MaryJane Fashion

Good Friday you lovely bunch, I hope you're all dolling up right this second for a good night out! Or if not, doing a night in right with fluffy pyjamas and copious amounts of food that's bad for you but tastes fantastic, either or. 

Just a little outfit post for you all, feat the electric blue top I picked up in Primark for a whopping £5, BARGAIN. And on the subject of Primark, did you know you can now make a profile for 'Primania' which is on the Primark website and is a bit of a lookbook in which you need to be wearing a Primark piece. Naturally, I've signed up and would be mighty gracious if you could pop on over to my little space and 'fan' and 'like' my looks and such (there's only this one so far, but shush).

Now, I have never owned a pair of these Disco Pants and thought I'd try out a New Look pair, as I'd never tried them before, and I didn't want (couldn't afford) to splash out on a pair of the American Apparel ones. They do make me feel a little conscious- 
*my thighs look fat*
*obvious VPL*

BUT, they are super comfortable and after a few beverages, they make me feel like the twerking queen.

Now for the shoes, I was so very lucky enough to win this gorgeous pair of shoes from MaryJane Fashion and boy do I love 'em! They give me height, which I love, and, you know, gives me that extra security knowing that if I'm ever attacked whilst wearing these, I'd have the advantage.

Anybody else picked up some bargains lately?
And I hope everybody has a magical Friday night!


  1. Love the top amazing colour and heels

  2. Love the outfit ! The heels are amazing !

  3. I love this outfit! the color is amazing and the JC are so awesome, Ive been wanting some for ages! xx

  4. Love it, the heels looks amazing! Great outfit for a night out!!

  5. I really want to get some disco pants, look in primark but they didn't have any black ones :'( looks good :)
